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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Sweet 16!!!!

      Today is bittersweet for me... My baby, my oldest baby has turned 16 today. I knew this day would come. Was excited about it, but I didn't think I would be so emotional. I'm not sure if it is because time is flying by entirely too fast or if I'm feeling like I am losing my baby. What I do know for sure is, I have an incredible son who is talented, smart, intelligent, has a heart of gold and is loved by all who he comes in contact with. Poppy has been my inspiration from the time he was born. He motivates me when I am down, he always has the right things to say when I am struggling to find myself and for that, I am truly GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR GIVING ME A WONDERFUL SON!!! I will celebrate him today and cherish this moment, because he will never be 16 again.

To my son:
An open letter to you:

At 23 years old, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know how to change a pamper, how to make a bottle, how to even nurture you. I wasn't sure  if I could be the mom you needed. I even had doubts, to be honest with you, I was scared. I was scared of being a single mom, scared of what people would say about me being unwed, scared of shaming my parents, grandparents and friends. I was even afraid of going out in public because of being judged. It took me awhile to realize that because of YOU, I CAN BE ANYTHING I WANT TO BE... I finished college, graduated with honors, started teaching and living out my dreams. Its because of YOU that I am able to face whatever comes my way and handle it with pride. You gave me the strength and courage to move forward with everything I have put my mind to. I tell you every morning I LOVE YOU, YOU can be anything YOU WANT TO BE! My prayer for you is that, YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE AS HAPPY AS YOU WANT IT TO BE, FULFILLED, NO REGRETS AND DON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO TELL YOU, YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING! I PRAY ALL OF YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! You have made my LIFE complete.

I love you, Poppy!

Happy Sweet 16 Birthday, Poppy!