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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

As I Revisit My Bucket List....

      When I woke up this morning, I was feeling some kind of way about my BUCKET LIST! I immediately started thinking about everything that was on the list and what I had accomplished and what I didn't. I suddenly went into a small little depression. Over half of things on the list I have not accomplished or even attempted and it makes me sad. While writing that list, I was at a different place in my life and now I find myself in a MUCH DIFFERENT DIRECTION! Buying Jimmy Choos was important, then! Didn't make my trip to Turks and Caicos but I did go on my VERY FIRST GIRLZ TRIP last year. This thing called LIFE, sorta kinda got in the way of me completing my first children's book and completing my degree in Media Literacy which I do plan on completing. My bond with my family is well... uuuhm... it's there but now a days, its been touch and go because I have chosen to give LESS OF ME and because of that, people's feelings have been hurt. I have made some strides in completing my bucket list, I did walk/run a marathon, I went parasailing with my bestie, I am grudge free, I do plan on having a church home by July,( I am very close to making that walk)  and my family trip with my kids is on, in May! Not sure, about visiting my grandparents' grave. Just can't find the motivation to do so! As I ponder the rest of my bucket list and what I have and haven't accomplished I feel a small victory in knowing that, it is NEVER TO LATE TO KEEP STRIVING TO COMPLETE YOUR GOALS. This wonderful thing about blogging is, as I type I am feeling much better! The one thing I know for sure is EVERY SMALL STEP I TAKE, WILL LEAD ME CLOSER TO MY GOAL AND ACCOMPLISHING EVERYTHING ON MY BUCKET LIST!

Live, Laugh and Love... Chellany


  1. I haven't visited my mother's grave since I buried her nearly 4 years ago. I think I will force myself to go for Mother's day.

    I don't really have a bucket list. You make me think. I may have to get one together. You are right, as long as you are working towards something you are one step closer than you were the day before. Have fun on your vacay!

  2. no need to be down on yourself. all things in due time. life happens! :)

  3. Bucket lists aren't necessarily things we HAVE to complete. So, don't be too hard on yourself if you don't cross everything off. And don't be afraid to change some things on it. We're constantly growing and maturing. So, with that growth we change and need different things.

    Anyways, kudos for the things you have completed on your list and much luck and success to moving on to complete more things on your list!

  4. Thank you ladies! I appreciate all of your comments! I am guilty of being too hard on myself! I must do better! Air hugs to you all!

  5. I think I want a bucket list, I don't have one. I do have a vision book, though, does that count? And I think writing them down is helpful and it doesn't mean it won't get done just, maybe not on your time.

  6. Channing, a vision book is FAB! I have a vision board and a bucket list. I am really hard on myself, so I am learning that as long as I keep chugging along, items on my bucket list will get done! Your right, maybe not on my time but on HIS time! Air hugs!
