At times, I have a bad habit of saying what is on my mind, at the very wrong times. I guess you can call it diarreah of the mouth. My mommy says to me all the time, that I am just like my Grandmommy. When it is on my heart, it is going to come out! Well, yesterday, I think I did it again. Something was bothering me and I let go. In response, it was said to me that I was a quitter. That bothered me because I know for a fact, that I AM NOT A QUITTER.! After speaking with my sista/friends who keep me sane and have no problem telling me the truth, I was told that I have to step back and assess when to say certain things. In other words, put a filter on my mouth. So, although I am not sure where my relationship stands right now from this point forward......
Today, I declare that I will do better at being mindful of my words and when I say them!
Those that know me, know that I LOVE EVERYTHING FASHION!! The worst thing ever for me, is when I fixate on something, I can't stop dreaming about it until it is in my closet. Well now my fixation has led me back to Courtney Kerr, the reality star from The Most Eligible Bachelors in Dallas. I think, NO, I KNOW I watched the show just to see what she was wearing. I actually did a post on her some months before because of her fashion sense. I die for her LOOK!!! After perusing the sites, I stumbled upon her blog, What Courtney Wore and lets just say, I drooled... The girl can wear some rags! The chick is BAD!!!!! Scroll down and take look at why I have been swooning.....
After watching Oprah Winfrey's Life Class with Joel Osteen on Sunday, I have decided to accept the I AM challenge. The I AM challenge is when you declare the things you want in your life.If you BELIEVE IT, YOU WILL RECEIVE IT! So every Tuesday, I will share my I AM....
Four weeks ago, my family buried my great aunt, who was 93 years old. I was sad, but the feeling I got in knowing that she had lived a long, vibrant and energetic life gave me a peace of solace. Friday, I received a call that my aunt's daughter, my cousin passed away from cancer. The last time I saw my cousin was at my aunt's funeral. I knew in my mind, that cancer was winning but never did I feel that seeing her at the funeral would be my last time. When I received the news, sadness struck me like lightening. I'm thinking it is because so many people in my life, close to me has been affected by the disease. Although some family members are currently winning the battle, it scares me to think, when I will receive the next call. I constantly remind myself daily, that life is short! LIVE every moment like it is your last. So with that being said, I have decided to stop putting off what I have dreaded to do, which is to get a mammogram. I am now at that age where I need to have yearly check ups and a part of me is scared. Scared of what may occur or not occur and honestly, facing the reality of the deadly disease. For the most part, I am a positive person, so I know I will be able to handle anything that comes my way and with GOD I know all things are possible!
Received a call from my someone special, asking me if I wanted to join him in taking a Chicago style stepping class.At first, I was a little hesitant because stepping to me, was not really my thing. I love to dance, but stepping??? After much convo with my sista/friends, encouraging me to take him up on his offer, I decided to say, yes! Why not, it is something different, out of the box and not your normal run of the mill date! He was overjoyed and needless to say, has not stop talking about it since I have decided to join him. My first class was supposed to be yesterday but because of a training workshop, I missed it. I did have a chance to attend a stepping set with him last night, however and I must say I enjoyed myself. I actually had a blast!! I am looking forward to next week's class, so I can get my stepping on!! I will definitely keep my readers updated on my progress because although I love to shake my bootie(don't judge me) I hear Chicago style stepping is more than shake that bootie, doo-doo brown! Sorry, I had to get that little tidbit in, I am from Miami... (again don't judge me, lol)!!!
Take a peek at the video to get an idea of what this chica will be doing on her Saturdays!!
Girls trip 2012 was spent in the Dominican Republic! All I can say is...... I'll BE BACK (in my Arnold Schwarznegger voice)!!! The trip was AH-MAZING!!!!
picture overload...
Girlztrip 2012 started and ended with a bang!! I love my chicas and can't wait to do it again next year!!!!
FALL is here! Fall is here! My absolute FAVORITE season of the year is Fall! Since moving to Georgia, I love the fact that I get to enjoy all of the seasons. Most of all, the air conditioner goes off, I enjoy the fall breeze, leaves change colors and the layering begins! After playing on Pinterest for hours, I have found my top GO-TO PICKS!