Khambrea and I |
Today, I am dedicating this space to Ms. Khambrea Johnkins. I met this young lady about 5 years ago and ever since I have known her she has represented class, sophistication and the epitome of what a young lady is. I am so proud to say I know her. She graduated from Carver High School with Honors and is now attending University of Florida. Her focus will be Pre-Med. My prayer for her from this point on is to learn to love the journey you are on and not the destination. That life is not a dress rehearsal and that today is the only guarantee you get. Always remember to forget the things that made you sad but never forget to remember the things that made you glad. I am so proud of YOU, Khambrea! Your Mom, family and friends are smiling from ear to ear! I can't believe I am saying this because I am a DIE-HARD UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FAN... BUT GO GATORS!!!!! YOU GOTTA FAB YOUNG LADY ON YOUR SIDE!!!
Congrats to her, especially since he is headed to UF..what a cutie!!
A Gator Fan!!